Sunday, February 13, 2011

Excel Project

The Excel Project was a great experience.  The project made understanding Excel easy with the real-world situation.  The project entailed analyzing data for the owner of a large fitness center.  The study included 500 participants that had their heart rates measured while they exercised for 15 minutes and had a 5 minute cool down.  There are 21 heart rate measurements for each participant taken over a 20 minute period.

The project required the use of many Excel skills.  A variety of formulas had to be created to find the necessary data needed.  Some of the data needed was: the maximum heart rate, target heart rate, highest heart rate, increase in heart rate, and whether the target heart rate was achieved.  The raw data had to be properly formatted and sorted.  During the project, I learned how to correctly produce formulas.  I soon found at that absolute and relative cell addressing were extremely important to get correct.  I found that the Excel help function was very useful when I came across troubled tasks.

Pivot tables were also created to help make data analysis more visual.  Pivot tables were made for the amount of participants that reached their target heart rate and the average percentage of increase of heart rates.  The pivot tables were very intuitive and interactive.  It made setting up the pivot table easy.  A screen capture of the average increase of heart rates is bellow.  This Excel Project has expanded my knowledge of the program.  I now feel confident creating reports for my manager.     

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